by dragos.burghelea | Oct 9, 2021
Bible translation Project Even though we are extremely accustomed to the Bible, it is still the Word of God. Though we are in the 21st century many tribes still do not have a Bible translated to their native tongue and this is the case in Kalahari as well. By the...
by dragos.burghelea | Oct 9, 2021
Mission Project A very important part of the work of Kalahari New Hope is the spreading of the gospel, which involves evangelism, making disciples, building up leaders, systematic teaching, and preaching to the neighboring tribes who come in contact with the...
by dragos.burghelea | Oct 9, 2021
Radio PROJECT Radio is the most non-invasive method of media coverage. It does not require the capture of visual attention, the audio material can be listened to behind the wheel, in the kitchen or during daily activities. The information received by hearing is...
by admin.andreea | Apr 28, 2021
[envira-gallery id=’12862′] Radio PROJECT Radioul este cea mai neinvazivă metodă de mediatizare. Ea nu necesită captarea atenției vizuale, materialul audio putând fi ascultat la volan, în bucătărie sau în timpul activităților cotidiene. Informația primită...
by admin.andreea | Apr 28, 2021
Living Water PROJECT Proiectul de răspândire a Evangheliei presupune evanghelizarea propriu-zisă, formarea de ucenici, formarea de lideri, învățătură sistematică şi propovăduirea către triburile vecine care intră în contact cu tribul San. Rezultatele consemnate la...